DSWD Oplan Pag-Abot Program

The primary goal of the DSWD Oplan Pag-Abot is to extend support to vulnerable individuals, children, and families who find themselves in street situations, offering them options such as returning to their place of origin, relocating to areas near Metro Manila, temporary shelter in transitional facilities, or placement in long-term residential centers. For children without familial support, the program also seeks permanent placement through foster families or adoption. This outreach initiative marks the beginning of a comprehensive intervention employing a multidisciplinary approach to case management, aimed at steering individuals and families away from street living.

The Oplan Pag-Abot initiative anticipates safeguarding children, individuals, and families from various risks and vulnerabilities by regularly conducting planned outreach efforts and delivering services through transition homes and other community-based facilities. Through these interventions, those in street situations can exercise their entitlement to necessities such as food, healthcare, education, life skills training, recreational activities, job opportunities, and housing, ultimately striving towards a life characterized by decency and dignity.

Source: https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=748510007300623&set=pcb.748510050633952


The project seeks to diminish the susceptibility and exposure to risk among children, individuals, and families residing in street environments by offering diverse interventions, services, and opportunities. Its overarching goal is to enhance their societal standing and fulfill their fundamental rights, enabling them to lead productive lives within a secure, supportive atmosphere.

  • Foster collaborations with National Government Agencies (NGAs), Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), and Local Government Units (LGUs) to ensure the holistic and comprehensive execution of the project.
  • Establish frameworks and protocols for engaging with the target beneficiaries, emphasizing principles of social justice and fundamental human rights.
  • Facilitate the delivery of services and interventions tailored to individual assessments and needs.
  • Enhance the capacity of project implementers and partners through training and support for the pilot implementation phase.
  • Develop mechanisms to encourage community participation and engagement, enabling prompt responses to the requirements of homeless individuals, street dwellers, and families residing in street situations.

Scope and Coverage

The initial phase of this project will be implemented across the Local Government Units (LGUs) in the National Capital Region (NCR). The project targets individuals and families in street situations, specifically:

  • Children living and working on the streets, either independently, with peers, or with their families, rely on street environments for sustenance.
  • Minors under 18 years old who are found on the streets due to abandonment, neglect, being orphaned, or those over 18 who are unable to adequately care for themselves or protect themselves from various forms of harm due to physical or mental disabilities.
  • Unattached adults found in public areas such as streets, parks, or other public spaces, are categorized as vagrants, beggars, or individuals experiencing mental health challenges.
  • Homeless families residing on the streets or pavements have been displaced due to factors like fires, demolitions, family crises, or false promises of a better life in the city, and consequently forced to live in metropolitan areas.

Program Components

The program components of Oplan Pag-Abot encompass a comprehensive approach aimed at addressing the diverse needs and challenges faced by this vulnerable population. Below are the key program components:

Identification and Assessment

The program begins with the identification and assessment of children, families, and individuals living in street situations. This involves outreach efforts, surveys, and assessments to understand the demographics, living conditions, and specific needs of the target beneficiaries.

Shelter and Housing Support

One of the primary components involves providing shelter and housing support to homeless families and individuals. This may include temporary shelters, transitional housing facilities, or assistance in accessing permanent housing options, with a focus on ensuring safety and stability.

Basic Needs Provision

The program ensures the provision of necessities such as food, clothing, and hygiene supplies to address immediate needs and alleviate hardships faced by individuals and families living on the streets.

Healthcare and Psychosocial Support

Healthcare services, including medical check-ups, vaccinations, and access to mental health support, are critical components of the program. Psychosocial support services are also provided to address trauma, emotional distress, and other mental health challenges.

Education and Skills Training

For children living in street situations, access to education is prioritized. The program facilitates enrollment in schools and provides educational support, including school supplies and tuition assistance. Additionally, skills training programs are offered to help individuals acquire livelihood skills and improve their employment opportunities.

Family Reintegration and Support

Efforts are made to reunite children with their families whenever possible, providing family support services and counseling to strengthen family bonds and promote stability. For individuals without family support, alternative care arrangements such as foster care or adoption may be explored.

Community Engagement and Advocacy

Community engagement initiatives are integral to the program, involving local communities, civil society organizations, and other stakeholders in raising awareness, reducing stigma, and promoting the inclusion of individuals and families in street situations. Advocacy efforts aim to address systemic issues and promote policies that support the rights and well-being of this marginalized population.

Monitoring and Evaluation

Continuous monitoring and evaluation mechanisms are established to assess the effectiveness of program interventions, track progress toward objectives, and identify areas for improvement. Feedback from beneficiaries and stakeholders informs program adjustments and future planning.

Implementation Process

The implementation process of the pilot project for individuals and families in street situations in the National Capital Region (NCR) involves several key steps and stages to ensure the effective delivery of services and interventions. Here is an overview of the implementation process:

Step 1: Preparation and Planning

  • Establishing project objectives, goals, and timelines.
  • Forming a project implementation team comprising representatives from relevant government agencies, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and community stakeholders.
  • Conducting a needs assessment and situational analysis to understand the scope and nature of street situations in the NCR.

Step 2: Stakeholder Engagement and Partnerships

  • Building partnerships with local government units (LGUs), NGOs, community-based organizations, and other stakeholders to mobilize support and resources.
  • Holding consultations and meetings with key stakeholders to solicit input, gather insights, and foster collaboration.

Step 3: Design and Development of Program Components

  • Developing program components based on the identified needs and priorities of individuals and families in street situations.
  • Designing interventions related to shelter, healthcare, education, livelihoods, psychosocial support, and family reunification.

Step 4: Capacity Building and Training

  • Providing training and capacity-building sessions for project staff, volunteers, and partner organizations on relevant topics such as case management, trauma-informed care, and cultural sensitivity.
  • Ensuring that frontline workers are equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge to engage effectively with beneficiaries.

Step 5: Outreach and Identification

  • Conducting outreach activities to identify and engage with individuals and families living in street situations.
  • Utilizing a variety of outreach methods, including street walks, community meetings, and collaboration with grassroots organizations.

Step 6: Service Delivery and Support

  • Providing a range of services and support tailored to the needs of beneficiaries, including access to shelter, healthcare, education, skills training, and psychosocial counseling.
  • Facilitating referrals to appropriate service providers and coordinating care across different sectors.

Step 7: Monitoring and Evaluation

  • Establishing monitoring and evaluation mechanisms to track the progress and impact of the project.
  • Collecting data on key indicators such as service utilization, outcomes achieved, and beneficiary satisfaction.
  • Using feedback from beneficiaries and stakeholders to inform program improvements and adjustments.

Step 8: Documentation and Reporting

  • Documenting project activities, achievements, and challenges through regular reporting and data collection.
  • Sharing learnings and best practices with stakeholders through reports, presentations, and knowledge-sharing events.

Step 9: Sustainability and Scale-Up

  • Exploring opportunities for sustainability and scale-up of successful interventions beyond the pilot phase.
  • Advocating for policy changes and resource allocation to support ongoing efforts to address street situations in the NCR and beyond.

Core Services Provided

  • Shelter and Housing Assistance
  • Healthcare Services
  • Education Support
  • Livelihood and Employment Opportunities
  • Psychosocial Support and Counseling
  • Family Reunification and Support
  • Basic Needs Provision
  • Legal Assistance and Advocacy

Important Note: Services offered are only possible with the support from other partner agencies of DSWD.

Source: https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=122124676562143316&set=a.122095731734143316
Source: https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=758429076308716&set=a.224758276342468

Video: DSWD Oplan Pag-Abot –Tatay Melvin Urbano

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This is a video of Tatay Melvin Urbano, one of the beneficiaries of the DSWD Oplan Pag-Abot program. Here, he went under assessment by a social worker to learn more about his situation to better know what kind of assistance is best suited for him and his children. Hence, this brings you a brief understanding of the process to better understand how this program works.